Public to get their say on new Kwinana Port

Public to get their say on new Kwinana Port


The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has begun consultation on the first stage of its assessment of the proposed Outer Harbour Port Development in the Kwinana Industrial Area.

The proposal is part of Westport, the State Government plan to move container trade from Fremantle to Kwinana.

EPA Chair Darren Walsh said the independent authority was currently assessing the proposed construction and operation of the multimodal port at the level of Public Environmental Review.

The proposal comprises a new port facility, landside infrastructure, berthing areas, removal of two Kwinana Bulk Berth jetties, connections to the road and rail freight network up to the intersection of Anketell and Rockingham roads, and dredging for a second shipping channel into Cockburn Sound.

Mr Walsh said there would be two opportunities for stakeholders and the community to participate in the EPA’s environmental impact assessment.

“Today marks the first of those,” he said. “The proponent’s draft environmental scoping document (ESD) has been published on the EPA website for two weeks of consultation.

“The submissions we receive will help us finalise the scope, content, timing and procedure of the environmental review.

“This is a real opportunity for members of the public to have input into the key areas of focus for this assessment.”

After this consultation closes on 28 November, the EPA will consider submissions and the proponent’s responses before finalising the ESD.

The next opportunity for community involvement will be an eight-week public consultation on the environmental review document.

Another element of Westport, the proposed upgrade to Anketell Road, is not part of this proposal and is being assessed separately.

Details on the proposal can be found on the EPA website or its consultation hub.