A chance encounter with an artist who was scoping out the talent for his next work of art has eventuated to young Jamia Sinclair’s face appearing on one of the City of Armadale’s newest murals.
Well-renowned artist Matt Adnate painted the incredibly large mural that now sits proudly inside the newly redeveloped Champion Centre in Seville Grove.
The bubbly 11-year-old Thornlie Primary student said she was excited to see her face feature as part of the mural.
“The artist was taking pictures of a few kids and my cousins but I didn’t know I would be picked,” she said.
“We use the services at the Champion Centre once a week and it means a lot to me and my family.
“I’ve shown my family and friends the mural and they are all proud of me.”
The newly developed Champion Centre and the community elements of the nearby Seville Grove Library were funded by a $4 million Lotterywest grant.
The tired Police and Community Youth Centre building now boasts an architecturally designed facility which offers an inclusive, safe and neutral environment for all Indigenous families to access a range of information, activities and programs.
The centre features other works by local Aboriginal artists Rohin and Bradley Kickett.