Q & A with Member for Riverton Mike Nahan

Q & A with Member for Riverton Mike Nahan


What are the biggest issues facing your electorate and how will you combat them?

Transport is extremely important, which is why we’re building Roe 8 and the Thornlie-Cockburn train line. We’ve committed an unprecedented $7.2B over the forward estimates to improve transport infrastructure.

It’s vitally important that the Willetton SHS rebuild is completed, which we are committed to.

How will you improve job growth in the region?

 We’re investing in the infrastructure that’s needed to diversify a growing economy (agriculture, tourism, defence), and barriers to private sector growth are also being removed.

We’re helping small businesses with tax reductions, providing incentives to hire apprentices, and boosting the housing market with incentives for first home buyers and seniors looking to downsize.

What’s your plan to improve the economy?

We’re reaching out to the world to attract foreign investment, and won’t be placing a tax on foreign investment. The partial sale of Western Power will go a long way to getting back our AAA credit rating, lower our debt levels and help us invest in more local infrastructure.

What major infrastructure projects will you advocate for if elected?

The completion of the Perth Freight Link, the completion of the Willetton SHS rebuild, and the expansion of the Willetton Basketball Stadium.

How do you plan to address the meth crisis?

We have a $190 million suite of strategies that a re-elected Liberal Government will deliver to combat the meth scourge – we will introduce mandatory sentencing, compulsory treatment and investment significantly in rehabilitation.

What would be your first act if elected?

Get to work on finishing the job – building Roe 8, the Willetton Basketball Stadium, and completing Willetton SHS.

What’s your favourite song, book and movie?

Song – Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Bobby McFerrin)

Movie – The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Book – A Fortunate Life by Albert Facey

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