Q & A with Nathan Morton

Q & A with Nathan Morton

Member for Forrestfield Nathan Morton.

What issues are vital in Forrestfield?
For Western Australia, Perth and indeed the Forrestfield electorate, ensuring there are jobs for locals is a priority and something I am committed too. The Forrestfield Airport Link will create 2000 jobs during development and ongoing jobs. Law and order is also a big issues and I’m committed to building a $13 million police station in Forrestfield.

How will you improve job growth? 
As mentioned before the construction of the Forrestfield Airport Link and delivering infill sewerage o Kenwick has similar potential as the airport link.

What is your plan to improve the economy?
The partial sale of Western Power will generate $3 billion Next Generation Account, which fund the construction of new infrastructure across the state and locally, one such project is the $10.5 million upgrade to the Darling Range Sports College.

What major projects will you advocate for if re-elected?
The $10.million upgrade to the Darling Range Sports College, infill sewerage for parts of Kenwick, a new $13 million police station in Forrestfield, the $500,000 stage 2 upgrade to Hartfield Park Sports Centre and a number of other school upgrade including resurfacing the courts at East Kenwick Primary School.

How do you plan to address the meth crisis? 
I have been working hard locally to help the community fight this drug and held a community meth forum last June. This and other forums like it were integral to the State Government formulating its new policy, which was announced last Sunday – a comprehensive $190 million package to take meth off the streets and help addicts reclaim their lives. It is the toughest approach in Australia.

What would be your first act if re-elected? 
Continue to do what I have for the past four years, advocate on behalf of my local communities and work with them to ensure every single one of my election commitments is delivered.

Personally speaking….
Favourite song: I like everything from Crowded House to Foo Fighters
Favourite movie: I’m a big action movie fan and a bit of a James Bond tragic

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