Q&A with candidate for Jandakot Yaz Mubarakai

Q&A with candidate for Jandakot Yaz Mubarakai


What are the biggest issues facing your electorate and how will you combat them?

There are too many people in Jandakot struggling with unemployment. WA Labor will put WA jobs first. We’ll stop Colin Barnett bringing overseas workers to take jobs in nursing, manufacturing, teaching and in our construction sites; we’ll build METRONET locally and with local workers; and we’ll keep Western Power in public hands.

How will you improve job growth in the region?

We’ll build METRONET, extending the Thornlie Train Line, and have it built by local workers. WA Labor will declare projects of special significance, requiring a minimum number of apprentices are employed so our kids have the best chance of getting a local job. And we’re going to duplicate Armadale Road and build the North Lake flyover, large projects employing local workers.

What’s your plan to improve the economy?

Mark McGowan has a plan to fix the Budget. He will put a stop to wasteful Government spending; make foreign property speculators pay their fair share of tax; and use the revenue that Western Power generates and the windfalls from iron ore to pay down the debt. 

What major infrastructure projects will you advocate for if elected?

METRONET: extend the Thornlie Line, creating WA jobs.

Armadale Road: duplicate it to reduce congestion and create WA jobs.

North Lake flyover: connect our communities and small businesses, and create WA jobs.

Primary School: build a new Harrisdale/ Piara Waters Primary School, taking the pressure off of our schools and creating WA jobs.

 How do you plan to address the meth crisis?

Three easy points: 1) create a Meth Border Force – a 100-officer unit to patrol our ports and interstate roads;

2) bring rehabilitation centres in to our communities and prisons;

3) make meth traffickers face life in prison.

What would be your first act if elected?

On day one, I’ll pick up the phone to the new Premier and get the Government working on our important congestion-busting projects that will create local jobs. Project like METRONET, Armadale Road and the North Lake flyover.

What’s your favourite song, book and movie?

Favourite song: You Are So Beautiful – Joe Cocker 

Favourite book – Pride & Prejudice 

Favourite movie – The Blind Side

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