Q&A with Member for Cannington Bill Johnston

Q&A with Member for Cannington Bill Johnston


What are the biggest issues facing your electorate and how will you combat them?

When I’ve been out doorknocking in our community many residents have told me that they’re concerned about WA’s high rate of unemployment and the Liberal Party’s plan to privatise Western Power. The Labor Party has a comprehensive plan for local jobs and will save Western Power.

How will you improve job growth in the region?

I know that many local people are doing it tough. Under Colin Barnett, unemployment has skyrocketed, in fact, we have the worst unemployment in Australia. That’s why creating local jobs is WA Labor’s number one priority. Our plan for jobs takes a comprehensive approach to deliver long term improvements to our economy to produce jobs across the State. A McGowan Labor Government will also tear up Colin Barnett’s list that fast tracks workers into WA. 

What’s your plan to improve the economy?

People are upset that we have the worst-performing economy in Australia. I agree with them. Labor’s plan to improve the economy is smart affordable and sustainable, and will lead to a more resilient and diversified State economy. We have a plan to promote local innovation, including investing $14.5 million into a New Industries Fund, we will invest $425 million tourism and promote international trade and investment. We will develop a 20-year State Infrastructure Strategy to drive investment and expand WA industry and technology parks. We will support local businesses – including small businesses –  to tender for government projects, delivering more local content and local jobs on all major government projects.

What major infrastructure projects will you advocate for if elected?

I’m pleased that a McGowan Labor Government will fix Wharf St level crossing in Queens Park as part of Stage 1 METRONET. We will invest $381million in new school infrastructure and $236 million into three new congestion busting projects creating, over 1,440 jobs, including the Armadale Road dual carriageway project.

How do you plan to address the meth crisis?

WA Labor have a comprehensive Methamphetamine Action Plan, which provides more supports to communities and families. We will also create a Meth Border Force – a dedicated unit within WA Police to stop meth entering WA – and impose maximum penalties of life imprisonment for meth traffickers bringing meth into WA.

What would be your first act if elected?

I have served our community since 2008 when I was first elected. I will continue to serve the interests of local residents and work for our community.  

What’s your favourite song, book and movie?

Working Class Man, Jimmy Barnes

The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien

Star Wars: Episode IV –  A New Hope

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