Question time changes

Question time changes


The City of Armadale has clamped down on public question time after councillors adopted a revised policy at their October 17 meeting.

The question time management practice document was revised to better reflect the Local Government Act and standing orders local law.

It added guiding principles including a point that states, “public question time shall not be dominated by the questions of one person to the exclusion of others.”

It also states the person presiding over the council or committee meeting did not have to respond to questions when they did not relate to matters affecting the city or if a response has previously been provided.

There will also be limits of two questions per person at two minutes each.

If there is time after the rest of the gallery has asked questions the same person asking the question can ask further questions.

In their report to councillors city officers said the changes were informed by reference to the Department of Local Government’s guidelines on public question time and legal advice.