Rare find on local verge

Rare find on local verge

Roleystone residents Chris Horgan and Bob Hart and Artist Retail Collective president and coordinator Charlene O’Brien. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

An old piano has been given a new lease on life thanks to a Roleystone resident who was roaming the roadside collection for a piece of tin to fix a broken shed. 

The Cable and Sons piano, estimated to be about 100 years old, was dumped outside a Mackie Road property as part of last month’s council pick up. 

Roleystone resident Bob Hart found the piano lying on its side “with its guts hanging out” and immediately contacted his friend Chris Horgan who had told him just days later that the Artist Retail Collective, a local arts community hub, was looking for a street piano. 

Mr Hart said at first glance the piano looked a lot like one he has in his own home. 

“I thought I would have a look at the action to see if it was broken, rotted or stiff,” he said.

“I ran my fingers along the strings and they weren’t entirely in tune, but the pitch was all right.” 

Mr Hart said he didn’t know the back-story behind the piano but it seemed like it might be an abandoned project. 

“A piano is like a living thing, it has to be played and it has to live,” he said. 

“If you don’t play them, they go off, it is the same for violins and guitars. 

“Some of the keys weren’t playing as they were stuck down so I had to pull all of the keys out and get some steel wool to polish the pins.” 

Artist Retail Collective president and coordinator Charlene O’Brien said the piano was just what they were looking for. 

“This piano will be part of our Activate Jull Street Mall project which will help bring back life and creativity into the mall through music, arts and fashion,” she said. 

“We have been looking to get one for the past six months. 

“We were looking on Gumtree but we were faced with issues such as where do we get a ute to collect it? 

“This one was in Roleystone so it was perfect.” 

Ms O’Brien said the group is now searching for a local artist who is willing to donate their time to bring the piano to life. 

“We would like it to be painted with a colourful street art mural that reflects the transformation that Armadale is undergoing,” she said. 

“As soon as the piano hits the Jull Street mall, that is when the painting project will start.” 

Anyone who is interested in painting the piano is asked to call Charlene on 0411 549 964.