Ratepayers want strong leadership

Ratepayers want strong leadership

Serpentine Jarrahdale Ratepayers Association Margaret Cala said the upcoming council elections were crucial. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

With council elections fast approaching, the Serpentine Jarrahdale Ratepayers Association said due to the rapidly growing population this will be a crucial election to steer the shire in the right direction.

President of the association Margaret Cala said the shire needed councillors who would guide the growth the area was experiencing in a way, which protected the rural uniqueness of the shire.

“It is not enough to hope that other government agencies will make the best decisions for Serpentine Jarrahdale,” she said.

“The SJ council must be a strong advocate for our area and ensure that within the wider framework of Perth, or the Peel region, that Serpentine Jarrahdale prospers but not with a development cost approach.

“The SJ council is the voice of the shire and it must truly represent all members of our community.”

Ms Cala said for many years the SJ council has been plagued with conflict and has lacked resolution.

“New appointments within the shire’s professional officers and the engagement early this year of a new CEO give us hope that we are on a new course,” she said.

“However, this can only be guided by our councillors.”

Ms Cala said the current council had not managed to overcome the appearance of factions and it hasn’t reassured ratepayers and residents of their impartiality in all of their decision-making.

She said she hoped the new council would address each matter, which came before them, with open minds and a willingness to seek all possible information prior to voting.

She also said the council needed to update all of its policies to enable the efficient implementation of plans, strategies and rules and initiate policies which promoted accountability and transparency in the decision making process.