Record voter turnout in Gosnells

Record voter turnout in Gosnells


Gosnells electors used their first opportunity to directly elect the mayor to return Terresa Lynes to the role in an election with the highest voter turnout in the city.

Ms Lynes received 71.98per cent of votes in the mayoral ballot and will hold the position for four years.
Election results were announced late on Monday October 23, with the following Councillors elected: Aaron Adams, Ken Ashwin, Adam Hort, Saiful Islam, Diane Lloyd, Ye (Emma) Zhang and Glenn Dewhurst.
The new, or re-elected, councillors will serve a four-year term on the Council expiring in 2027, except Councillor Dewhurst who will serve until 2025.

Councillor Dewhurst will fill the vacancy created as a result of Terresa Lynes being elected as Mayor, as Mayor Lynes had two years remaining of her term as a Councillor.
Councillors elected last weekend will join sitting Councillors Peter Abetz, Caren Baayens, David Goode, Kevin McDonald and Serena Williamson, whose terms expire in 2025.
This year, the City recorded its highest-ever voter turnout, with more than 30 per cent of electors returning their ballot papers.
At its first meeting Cr Hort was elected as deputy mayor.