Canning Vale roo relocation plan backed by city

Canning Vale roo relocation plan backed by city

Canning councillor Amanda Spencer-Teo with WA Wildlife Hospital’s senior veterinarian Dr Meg Rodgers and WA Wildlife’s Dean Huxley. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

The trial relocation of kangaroos from Canning Vale looks set to get the green light, with City of Canning officers unexpectedly backing in Councillor Amanda Spencer-Teo’s plan.

The decision by city officers to support the trial was unexpected, with Cr Spencer-Teo saying last week she did not expect the support of officers.

“I talked to staff and didn’t get a lot of support from staff, I’ll admit, they were pretty much against investigating any form of relocation,” she said.

“[Staff are opposed] because killing the kangaroos is cheaper, faster and easier. That’s it.”

However Canning director of environment Warren Bow told councillors at last week’s Agenda Forum meeting there was merit in Cr Spencer-Teo’s proposed trial.

“There are options that are non-lethal and certainly need to be explored,” he said.

“Two elements I’d like to inform elected members on now, as I said we met with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions [DCBA] yesterday [Monday June 13], we met with the wildlife licensing branch and they’ve given us some really clear feedback about how we will go about progressing this trial in the event that council endorse the notice of motion,” he said.

“It’s really important for the DBCA and the city that this trial is meaningful and that it has robust outcomes and significant learnings from this trial.

“The DBCA will require us to engage with animal ethicists in relation to, particularly the use of subdermal trackers or other mechanisms to track the kangaroos after they’ve been translocated.”

While Councillor Jesse Jacobs questioned if the proposed trial was outside of the city’s remit, Mr Bow said it would be the responsible thing for the city to take the lead.

The trial translocation will be funded via compensation the city is expected to receive from the Metronet Ranford Road Train Station, with a previous council decision allocating $250,000 of the $350,000 compensation towards the relocation or protection of the kangaroos.

That funding is expected to be received by June 30, with the translocation proposed to take place in August.