Remembrance Wall project only needs one more plaque

Remembrance Wall project only needs one more plaque

The Gosnells Community Wall of Remembrance.

Rotary Canning River has just one more plaque to fill to finish it’s Gosnells Community Wall of Remembrance to acknowledge locals who served in WWII.

In November last year, Barbara Heddle from Rotary Canning River’s Community Service Committee contacted The Examiner to seek out assistance to complete the project with 98 plaques placed and only two remaining.

Since then, one name was secured for a plaque late last year.

With ANZAC Day coming up, for many in the community, now is the one of the appropriate times to remember those people of Gosnells who have served in the Australian Defence Forces.

Remembering a friend or family member’s service need not be restricted to ANZAC and Remembrance Day of course.

Rotary Club of Kenwick Wall was constructed in 2015 with the aid of the Gosnells Men’s Shed and a Centenary of ANZAC Grant.

It was built particularly to acknowledge the service of residents of Gosnells who served in World War II.

Rotary Canning River is seeking assistance from the City of Gosnells community to complete this project.

The City of Gosnells has a Heritage Listed landscaped living memorial at the Community Wall of Remembrance situated at 70 Lissiman Street in Gosnells.

The club will fund the final WWII service plaque for an eligible Gosnells resident.

Contact Barbara on for an Application Form.