Residents angered by bus shelter damage

Residents angered by bus shelter damage

Several bus shelters in Bull Creek and Leeming have been repeatedly vandalised, over the past few years.

Residents in Leeming, Bull Creek, and surrounds are demanding areas, after vandals damaged a number of bus shelters last month.

After smashing the glass panels at each shelter, the culprits left the shattered glass on the ground and then fled the scene.

The shelters are all located on South Street, opposite the Stockland Bull Creek Shopping Centre, near Leeming.

Leeming resident Bob Taddeo said this type of behaviour has occurred on numerous occasions, over an extended period of time.

“The four glass shelters have been the target of vandals over the past few years, leaving smashed glass littered across the ground,” he said.

“I have written to my local council and state government representatives about this issue, which is occurring across Perth.

“I expect that the cost of damage is massive, and just makes local communities furious at the damage – which takes weeks to repair.

“I am totally disillusioned at the lack of progress to address this matter given the local community, has aired its concerns and put forward ideas to target harden these bus shelters.”

An oOh!media spokesperson said the company was committed to addressing the issue, and to supporting the local community.

“oOh!media is committed to providing quality infrastructure for our advertisers and the communities we are part of,” the spokesperson said.

“We regularly clean and maintain the shelters for the benefit of the community.

“While we have a regular cleaning and maintenance program for bus shelters, unfortunately there are some members of the public who do not respect these public assets.

“The bus shelters at Leeming have recently been subjected to excessive vandalism, including the destruction of glass panels.

“We encourage the public to inform us of any vandalism or damage by contacting our 24-hour hotline on 1800 501 402, or emailing us at, so we can act rapidly to clean up.”