Residents join in cancer fight

Residents join in cancer fight


Local residents affected by cancer have taken steps to help fight the insidious disease.

An inaugural Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea was held at a lifestyle village in Champion Lakes on Wednesday June 16.

More than 60 residents and local community attendee’s enjoyed an array of sweet and savoury delights home baked and supplied by the residents.

The concept was encouraged and embraced by management who partnered with the Residents Committee to bring the community together to enjoy an opportunity for raising funds to support further research and developments for the Cancer Council.

Donations of homemade beanies, candles, glass mosaics and plants were hits with the attendees with all items sold out and all funds being donated directly to the total raised amount of $1000.

The owners of the village were in support of the event and also supplied a door prize raffle with first, second and third prizes generously received.

Putt-putt golf and Nintendo Wii activities saw the crowd not just enjoying a coffee but embracing new experiences and intermingling into the afternoon.

The village will be placing the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea on their calendar of events for many years to come.

“We thank the Cancer Council for facilitating fundraising events that not just raise money for such a worthy cause but ensure social engagement and social inclusion remains strong in communities such as ours,” a spokesperson for the village said.