Local residents are up in arms at the City of Canning’s decision to push forward a development application on Mills St in Welshpool, citing traffic, noise and safety concerns.
During last Tuesday’s council meeting, a majority of councillors gave the nod to change use of 130 (Lot 20) Mills St in Welshpool to house a transport depot and a warehouse.
The decision was carried eight to three with councillors Graham Barry, Tim Porter and Craig Sweeney against the proposal.
The operation hours are restricted to a 6am to 6pm, Monday to Sunday and it is
subject to a number of conditions.
During the meeting, Robert Tenaglia, who was speaking in behalf of his mother Thesere Tenaglia, a 74-year-old Mills St resident, said residents living in the area are concerned about lack of peace and quiet.
“What’s going to happen when we start getting semitrailers coming down with piping into that factory,” he said.
“They can’t turn into that business in one hit, they have to do a three-point turn
to get in.
“They can’t do a straight U-turn in the business to drive out like the law
states, they are going to have to reverse out and that is illegal, who is going to monitor that…they are blocking traffic.
“You should have gone to see the residents, you didn’t.
“You sent a letter out at the minimum time frame allowed.
“My mum got the letter on April 20, she had eight days to give her questions in.
“That’s not enough time.”
Mr Tenaglia also talked about the ample complaints made about speed and traffic occurring on Mills St.
“The police say go to council and the council says ring the police, who is going to
do something about it? It is a residential street,” he said.
“If my daughter gets hit by this ‘slow traffic’ down that street, that are going 100km
and hour, who am I supposed to go to?” Mr Tenaglia refused to read out his deputation as
he believed the decision had already been made prior to the meeting, but was forced
to withdraw the comment later.
Deputy mayor Jesse Jacobs laughed while Mr Tenaglia was speaking resulting in him leaving the council chambers while allegedly calling the council “corrupt”.
Therese Tenaglia, who said she suffers from high blood pressure, has been living in
Mills St since 1971.
Mrs Tenaglia told The Examiner this decision is going to affect her way of living
and disrupt the peace in and around her street.
“Over the years businesses around the area have affected our neighbourhood and a couple of the originals living here have moved out,” she said.
“There is going to be lots of drilling, trailers parked on the roads and all
this from 6am to 6pm.
“If I was working it would be fine, but I am home all day, I have high blood pressure and because of the noise that this business will bring along I will have to lock my
windows and stay indoors all day.”
Within 90 days from the date of development approval, a Noise Management Plan demonstrating how noise emissions from the development will be managed to meet the requirements of environmental protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 is to be submitted to the city.
Deputy mayor Jesse Jacobs, who supported the matter, said business activity in Welshpool needed to be stimulated.
“It is an industrial zone; the area of Welshpool seems to be in a state of decay,” he
“I am mindful that this area is half residential but it is half industrial.
“From a zoning perspective I don’t think there is any argument.
“It is one of those decisions that we, as a council, have to make to attract businesses in our industrial areas.
“I am confident that they will be good neighbours with the residents on the other side of the street.
“This is not something that’s new both industrial and residential areas have been there for a very long time.
“They have mitigated by effectively putting a cul-de-sac in the end of Mills St and I think that takes a lot of pressure off the residents.”