Riders descend on SJ

Riders descend on SJ

Kenzie Manson with Gelding Rio.

During the weekend the Serpentine Horse and Pony Club hosted the WA State Jumping Championships.

Riders from across Western Australia including Esperance, Geraldton, and Kalgoorlie attended the event.

“Great compliments were received during the State Jumping Championships because the grounds are considered second to none in the state,” she said.

“In terms of both the way the layout invites an inclusive environment with all three arenas visual and connected, that’s a really important thing for riding to have all arenas connected and feeling inclusive.

“At a lot of other venues you have to walk to another arena through bush or down the road but here you have the expanse of the lovely green grass, the backdrop of the Darling Scarp, and the natural bushland which is perfect for photo’s and a day out.”

The winner for the Driver Straight WA Senior Championship was Sarah Isbister with horse Lafayette MVNZ.

Caitlin Bolger took second place with horse Caprino, and Rosie Oliver was third with horse Bicento.

The event was live streamed worldwide, which is an important practise as horses in attendance are internationally recognised.

“There’s an on ground live streaming commentary which films live and there were people from all around the world commenting and watching,” Ms Lowry said.

“A lot of these horses have the potential to be sold to the international market so that is another reason why the live streaming can also be valuable.”

Ms Lowry said that the Serpentine Horse and Pony Club is grateful to be able to host these competitions.

“We have been terribly fortunate to be able to run competitions of this size when major cities have not been able to (due to COVID-19),” she said.

“There were a lot of people from Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland watching our event because they haven’t been able to host their own.”