Sad day for not for profit group

Sad day for not for profit group

Donation Central founder Ryan Anderson during a donation event earlier this year. Photograph — Richard Polden

Local not-for-profit organisation Donation Central, which opened its doors in 2016 has now permanently closed.

After five years, founder of Donation Central Ryan Anderson made the hard choice to close his organisation and blamed it to the abuse from some clients and donors.

“We had to close our doors as we had some donors and clients taking advantage of me, abusing me and my family and using me as a dumping area,” he said.

“We had a family abuse us, where they pulled their pants down and showed their bottoms to us.

“I’ve coped with the abuse from clients and other groups and people who stab me in the back.

“I am very upset and heartbroken at the moment, now that I can’t help the people.”

Mr Anderson also said he was receiving broken and dirty items that could not be used by families experiencing hardship.

“Some were telling us where and who can have their donations and most of the donors did not want it to go to Indigenous families,” he said.

“I’ve also had enough of the dumping of donations that were broken and smelly, as these could not be passed onto the community.”

Despite the disappointing end to Donation Central, Mr Anderson thanked the people who had helped him throughout.

“I would like to say a huge thanks to the people who helped me through the Covid-19 pandemic, you guys won’t be forgotten and you will be in my heart every day,” he said.

“As I was one of these people who was struggling many years ago, members of our community and my grandparents helped us through the tough times and I wanted to return their help.

“There are so many government agencies that have red tape and people who need help can’t get help, I know this because of what I went through in my childhood.”

“I have made the choice to go back to employment and enjoy doing what’s best for me and my family.”