Safer routes in Byford

Safer routes in Byford

Minister for Transport Bill Marmion and Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson out and about on their bicycles.

Together with the Minister for Transport Bill Marmion avid cyclist and Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson announced last week that the WA Bicycle Network Grant had been awarded to Byford.

The $105,000 grant will be for the construction of a shared path on a portion of Soldiers Road between Abernethy Road and just past Turner Road.

Mr Simpson said cycling was an excellent way to exercise as it was non-weight bearing.

“I am very pleased that the shire was successful in their grant application,” he said.

“It is great news, bike lanes provide a safe route for cyclists and I hope to see more in the community.”

Soon-to-be Roleystone resident Elijah Alicereen said he was excited about the news.

“I currently live in Westfied but I’m set to move up into the hills sometime this year,” he said.

“I love cycling and I’m really looking forward to be able to continue to cycle in Byford.

“Cycling isn’t just a great way to keep fit and stay healthy but it is also a lot of fun.”