Salvos op shop to reopen

Salvos op shop to reopen

Gosnells Salvation Army lieutenant Ben Hollis with a food hamper. Photograph — Richard Polden.

Like many not-for-profit organisations, the Salvation Army in Gosnells has struggled for months amid the health crisis, but with the opening of the Thrift Shop next week the team is ready for a comeback.

Lieutenant Ben Hollis said the Salvos Op Shop Team are excited and pleased to be able to open up again.

“We have a lot of new stock to sell and are looking forward to seeing our regular customers again,” he said.

“Our singers’ group and Bible studies have now resumed but we are currently still holding off on our Community Meal.”

Despite struggling to raise funds this year through the annual Red Shield Appeal, lieutenant Hollis said they received more funds than expected.

“We were not sure how we would go with having an all online Red Shield Appeal as we were not able to collect in shopping centres or knock on doors,” he said.

“We almost got $6000 online and got some off-line donations as well.

The appeal is now closed for this year but people can still donate to The Salvation Army by going to digitaldoorknock.salvationarmy. or by making donations in person.

We do appreciate donations of long-life food that can either be brought directly to us or can be dropped off at the Salvo Stores around the area.”

Starting from Wednesday, July 22 from 9am to 3pm the Thrift Shop at 42 Goodall St Gosnells will open, including Thursdays and Fridays.

To contact them about donations call (08) 9398 2244