A Shelley resident said he would continue to oppose a proposal by the City of Canning to develop a café on the Shelley Beach Park area.
Save Shelley Beach Park Facebook page described its 86 members as “a group of dedicated citizens who want to protect the natural beauty of the Shelley Beach Park river foreshore area” and said a café could damage the area’s natural beauty.
The Facebook page was created by resident Brett Gillies who said there was no need for the park area to be developed.
“It’s a pristine area, there’s already a café up the road,” Mr Gillies said.
“People like having a place to go down on the river with trees, with dogs, with areas to have a picnic with the kids. The whole infrastructure that would go up with a café would absolutely spoil it.”
Mr Gillies said the petition had recorded enough signatures to show there was opposition to the plan.
A petition of about 500 signatures of local residents opposing the development has been prepared as well as more than 150 from residents living outside Canning.
The petition was yet to be handed to the council.
The researcher, who prepared the document and who wished to remain anonymous, said residents had voiced concerns the existing off-leash dog area could be cut or moved to accommodate a café and would increase traffic along Riverton Drive North.
Residents were also concerned there would need to be increased public transport services to the area if a café were built.
As the council’s survey findings had not been received yet and council was yet to vote on the matter, potential development sites had not been determined.
Despite this Mr Gillies said the council should prioritise keeping the area as it was instead of developing it.
“We’ve got dolphins in the area, we’ve got osprey,” he said.
Mr Gillies said he supported a council proposal to increase the number of public barbecues in the area and to add shade to the playground.
“What we are opposed to is a café and a car park.”
The Shelley Beach Park falls into the Bannister ward, which is represented by councillors Ben Kunze and Patrick Hall.
Mr Kunze said responses from residents about the master plan had generally been positive.
“We’ve had may residents telling us through emails and on our Facebook pages that there needs to be more shade, as well as barbecues and tables for picnics. We’ve also had many people contacting us to convey their support for a café,” he said.
Councillors Ben Kunze and Patrick Hall proposed an investigation to determine what residents would want included in a Shelley Beach Park redevelopment master plan in a motion presented to the City of Canning council in October last year
The vote carried eight votes to three at the meeting.
The city was now in the public consultation phase and was surveying to gauge community support for the plan.
Surveyed residents were asked whether they wanted more shade, play equipment, trees, barbecues and/or tables in the area.
The survey was also investigating support for a café on the Shelley foreshore.
Councillor Hall said he had heard support for a café to be built since he was elected and it was important for the council to consider those voices.
“That is why we want to get some official feedback. If there is indeed support for a café, then council will consider that as part of the overall master plan,” he said.
Mr Kunze said the council would be considerate of protecting the area’s plants and wildlife if any development were approved.
He said he was hopeful the survey results would be released later this year.