Say it loud and say it proud

Say it loud and say it proud

Member for Armadale Dr Tony Buti and Member for Burt Matt Keogh with key members of the Armadale community in their Armadale & Proud t-shirts. Photograph – Richard Polden.

A special gathering of what some members of the community call ‘Armadillians’ or ‘Armadillos’ was held last week on Friday as part of Member for Armadale Tony Buti’s new campaign ‘Armadale and Proud’.

Dr Buti created the initiative to endorse the community in Armadale, which he outlined in a letter to constituents.

“We have a strong sense of community and mateship here,” he said.

“While we have a great sense of humour here in Armadale and can enjoy jovial banter, the constant degrading of our community and place is tiresome and misplaced.

“We in the Armadale electorate have continued to act with common sense and mutual respect to protect our neighbours and extended community.”

To address the negative perception of Armadale, Dr Buti created a website, Facebook page, and bought and designed 200 Armadale and Proud t-shirts to giveaway.

The initiative took off quickly with all 200 t-shirts going fast, so Dr Buti’s office ordered another 200 and 80 of those have been claimed already.

Last week on Friday a group gathered at Minnawarra Park in a sea of maroon to celebrate the initiative and show just how far it has reached.

Part of the initiative is the request for positive local stories and the website will serve as a platform for interested locals to post local history and photographs.

Photograph – Richard Polden