School comes to life

School comes to life

Premier Mark McGowan and Member for Southern River Terry Healy with Southern Grove pre-primary students Ivanka Mawire and Zachary Horton. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Staff and students are enjoying watching their new school come to life as construction continues on the next stage at the Southern Grove Primary site.

Premier Mark McGowan and Member for Southern River Terry Healy met with staff and students at the school last week to view the progress of the build, which has an open date of term one 2019.

The school opened this year with 91 kindergarten and pre-primary enrolments, and has a projected enrolment of 294 students for when the school expands its capability from kindergarten to year six.

Principal Rebecca Burns said the entire school community were excited about the opening.

“Construction is going to plan and staff, students and parents are all

enjoying watching the building process,” she said.

“Southern Grove will be the hub of the community where together we can grow.”

The school will include an early childhood teaching block, three general teaching blocks, an inclusive education room and art and crafts room, a music classroom, a library and an administration block with an adjoining dental therapy centre.

Mr Healy said he was glad to see the construction of the second stage was underway.

“As a father and former teacher in the area, I know that families with young children in Southern River and nearby communities will now be part of a brand new school where children can start their primary education in a world-class learning environment,” he said.