School says no to bullying

School says no to bullying

Armadale Senior High School students brought some colour to the school as part of its "Lend a hand, take a stand" program.

A national survey found bullying affects about 50 per cent of all school children in Australia and Armadale Senior High School hoped its latest anti-bullying program helped reduce bullying in the schoolyard.

The Bully Zero Foundation report released last month said 50 per cent of school children had been bystanders to bullying and 40 per cent had experienced cyber bullying.

Most children surveyed said they had not discussed physical bullying or cyber bullying with their parents and remarkably the report found that 70 per cent of parents admitted they did not have any idea what their children did while online.

To counter bullying at school Armadale Senior High School’s ran an artistic anti-bullying program was called “Lend a hand, take a stand” which aimed to help students consider ways to support their peers.

The school provided children with paper hand cut-outs and encouraged them to design them how they liked, with some students including positive messages about inclusivity in their designs.

Armadale Senior High School Student Services Manager Sue Haskett said the program had been well received.

“They’ve thoroughly enjoyed it,” she said.

“It’s the first time we’ve done it and the kids loved having a go.

“We haven’t done a lot of art competitions in the past so most kids would say they couldn’t draw – but those that have really embraced it.”

BZFA had a 24-hour free emergency hotline which can be reached on 1800 028 559.