The anti-bullying message was put into song last week as students at a local primary school performed alongside a talented young singer and guitarist from Serpentine.
Singer Sally Jane was invited to perform at Jarrahdale Primary’s recent school assembly, which saw the whole school cohort stand on stage to deliver a message that bullying is not okay.
The song Speak Up by Tom Curtain and Garth Porter was written in response to a drawing by Northern Territory 14-year-old Amy “Dolly” Everett who was a victim of bullying and later committed suicide.
Principal Julie Denholm said each class learnt the song with their teacher and then came together as a school to perform the item.
“The song’s message focuses on raising awareness about bullying and encouraging students to be brave, speak out and stand up for ourselves and others if they see or experience instances of bullying or teasing,” she said.
“The teachers aim to empower the students to speak up and performing with Sally Jane provided the opportunity to reinforce this message.”
Mrs Denholm said while bullying may exist in the classroom and the playground environment, the school had a firm anti-bullying message that was constantly reinforced through lessons and the students’ daily routine.
“While there are many reasons for bullying behaviour, children often bully others if they don’t know how to make and keep friends,” she said.
“We have therefore been addressing the positive friendship skills that are required in order to do this in the hope of reducing bullying behaviours and encouraging positive friendships.”
Sally Jane will perform the song again at the school’s presentation night later this year.
Proceeds from the song are donated to Dolly’s Dream, a foundation that was set up in memory of Dolly.
The school’s performance can be seen here.