The City of Canning is offering residents the chance to have their voices heard on a controversial proposal to cut through a section of Cannington parkland.
The city will now present a report on the issue to council on December 19, after delaying the Special Council Meeting planned for November 23.
The December 19 meeting will allow residents to speak their mind to the council and city representatives on the proposed bus link connecting Fleming Avenue and Civic Gardens.
The city said the new route would allow more than 200 buses a day to avoid traffic on Albany Highway, cutting up to three minutes off each trip.
However at the centre of the debate is the proposed new road’s proximity to a wetland that would be adjacent to the road if developed, and a strip of parkland it would replace.
Regarding concerns about traffic the city said the disturbance to the area would be minimal because the new road would be exclusive to buses and taxis.
It said there would be minimal impact on the wetlands.
Beeloo Ward councillor Christine Cunningham said she had received complaints from residents who felt they had not been given enough of a chance to have their concerns heard.
“It’s a really important issue,” she said.
“Locals did not feel the consultation was consultation, they felt it had been talked at them.”
Dr Cunningham said she pushed council to give residents another chance to speak their minds.
“It’s been made clear to me staff will listen to, rather than talk at, the community to look for alternative routes.
“It’s obvious the community is not interested in going through the wetlands.”
Other Beeloo Ward representative, newly elected councillor Sara Saberi, said she felt there was a substantial opposition to the proposal.
“I hope we can listen to people and see what alternatives there are,” she said.
“I know we’ve all been getting emails from different residents and they’re not happy.”