Selfless birthday gift to the needy

Selfless birthday gift to the needy

Sanya Singh Brar with her donation hampers.

Nine-year-old Sanya Singh Brar skipped a big birthday this year and asked her close family and friends to her help her pack boxes of food and treats for families in need.

Carey Baptist college year three student was very involved in the decision of what went into the hampers, the shopping, packing the boxes and decorations.

“I felt good that I could help people that don’t have food and it was so much fun choosing and shopping for all the food with my mum,” she said

“It was an awesome birthday.”

It took over an hour for Sanya and her friends to pack and decorate the boxes.

In total there were ten food hamper boxes made and the four children involved were also told about the needy families in the community with the hope that the compassionate and spirit of “giving” would be passed on.

The items included pasta with pasta sauce, rice with tin beans and sweet corn, tuna and crackers, cup-a-soup and cup noodles, a box of tea, a biscuit, long life milk and even popcorn.

Sanya was so committed to her mission she even left her own mark stamped on each box by including a colourful drawing and a handwritten message.

The boxes were donated to the Restore a Smile foundation Australia for distribution.

Sanya said she had such a great experience putting the hampers together that she had already chosen to do stationary packs over the Christmas holidays to bring a smile to children’s faces.