Senior citizens take over Parliament

Senior citizens take over Parliament

Member for Riverton Dr Jags Krishnan MLA with residents from the Herald Avenue Senior Citizens Centre at Parliament House.

Local senior citizens were given a first-hand look at what it takes to be a Member of Parliament recently.

With Parliament in its winter recess and school holidays underway, the Member for Riverton, Dr Jags Krishnan MLA, saw it fitting to offer thanks to those who look after our oldest citizens with a special lunch at Parliament.

Last week, Dr Jags hosted Herald Avenue Senior Citizens Centre president Monika Wong, her committee members, and some residents of the Herald Avenue Senior Citizens Centre in the Members’ Dining Room.

The Herald Avenue Senior Citizens Centre recently opened up space on site to house the headquarters of another valued community group, the Canning Community Computer Club.

Member for Riverton Dr Jags Krishnan MLA said he was keen to acknowledge the valued contribution our senior citizens make to the local community.

“Having visited Monika’s workplace over at Herald Avenue Senior Citizens Centre so many times, I thought it was about time that the wonderful team at the Centre should have the chance to see mine,” Dr Krishnan said.

“I was delighted to have Monika and the team for lunch at Parliament House to celebrate the work that such a valued organisation does for our community.

“Monika managed to bring together a group from the Centre so large that I had to enlist the help of another Member of Parliament – the Member for South Perth, Geoff Baker MLA – to act as a chaperone.

“Monika is such a wonderful advocate for the centre, her staff, and the residents. It’s a privilege to be able to reward the efforts of a local community champion like Monika,” he said.