Senior police pay tribute to Armadale Rangers

Senior police pay tribute to Armadale Rangers

Cmdr John Leembruggen, Cmdr Quentin Flatman, Police Ranger Lincoln Pereira, Unit Leader Ben Boekholt, Police Ranger Caitlin Harrison, Cmdr Mike Bell, Joondalup Academy’s Shaun Staples and Unit Coordinator James McLaren.

It’s been a very difficult year for the Armadale Police Rangers, but with strong support from

WA Police Commanders, the rangers had a very big end-of-year awards night with more than 110 guests.

Commanders Mike Bell, Quentin Flatman, and John Leembruggen, and Joondalup Academy’s Shaun Staples attended the event to acknowledge the hard work of the Armadale unit.

The WA Police Youth Band played while the rangers marched in.

A total of 27 awards were given out for the night, with help from Cecil Andrews College’s Deputy Principal Melissa Kettle.

“We’d like to thank the parents for all their support to keep Armadale Police Rangers up and running,” Unit Leader Ben Boekholt said.

“I hope you all have a blessed Christmas and new year.”