Seniors fun time

Seniors fun time

Robert and Jenny Albonico, City of Canning mayor Paul Ng, Ben Bianchini and Mary Bianchini at the City of Canning’s seniors week activities on Monday. Photograph — Hamish Hastie.
Robert and Jenny Albonico, City of Canning mayor Paul Ng, Ben Bianchini and Mary Bianchini at the City of Canning’s seniors week activities on Monday. Photograph — Hamish Hastie.

In celebration of seniors week the City of Canning is running a series of activities to help seniors build a stronger and more connected community.

Activities include a grandparents story time at the Cannington library, culture on a plate project at the Pendana multicultural day centre, tai chi and a food lover’s guide to the community.

Canning chief executive Lyn Russell said the program gave people a good sense of what the city had on offer for seniors.

“People are able to meet and connect with other members of the community and make some connections with City of Canning services,” she said.

The week kicked off with a special opening event on Monday including free music, entertainment and stalls enabling the community to learn more about local service providers, clubs and information.

Seniors week was aims to improve community attitudes towards older people and increase their participation in the community.

Seniors Minister Tony Simpson said seniors contributed to the community as grandparents and grandcarers, employers and employees, friends, neighbours and mentors.

“Their tremendous contribution as volunteers cannot be overstated,” he said.

More than 80 seniors weeks events were planned for Perth.

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