SERCUL volunteers rewarded for “huge contributions”

SERCUL volunteers rewarded for “huge contributions”

Environment Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson and SERCUL executive committee member Marc Lane. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

Like many events, the South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare’s annual volunteer celebrations were cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic.

Last month, with little cause for concern, SERCUL was proud to host its 2021 volunteer celebration event on Saturday, May 22.

The event applauded the tireless efforts of all landcare volunteers, from SERCUL and its member groups, based in Perth’s south-east.

Thanks to WA State NRM funding, SERCUL was able to hand-out snake bite first-aid kits and hold a morning tea.

Environment Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson and City of Gosnells mayor David Goode were both thrilled to be in attendance.

“Our community groups truly appreciated the public recognition of their efforts,” SERCUL community landcare manager Cat Williams said.

“There is no way SERCUL could achieve what it does without the huge contributions that its volunteers make.

“Volunteering in landcare helps keep you mentally and physically healthy, and connected with people and nature.

“Now, more so than ever, we need new people to step forward and lend our existing volunteers a hand.

“All contributions, no matter how large or small, mean fewer weeds and litter, more plants in the ground, less erosion, more shade, and more habitat.”

Former SERCUL chairperson Pat Hart was presented with a ‘life membership’ for her many amazing accomplishments.

“Pat has achieved so much in her role with SERCUL and many other organisations,” Ms Williams said.

“Since our formation in 2003, Pat has helped grow our organisation and put us in a strong position to continue to support landcare in our region.

“Pats’ energy and dedication is inspiring to us all, even now as she continues as chair of the Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group.”

Interested in becoming a landcare volunteer? Email today for more information.