Servo to be placed at Black Spot intersection

Servo to be placed at Black Spot intersection

The subject site for the proposed service station.

A proposal for a service station on the corner of Thomas Road and Nicholson Road in Oakford will go ahead as planned, subject to 18 strict conditions.

At a special council meeting on Monday night, the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale council voted six councillors to one in support of the proposal going ahead.

The only councillor against the proposal was Morgan Byas who cited concerns about the intersection and potential safety risks to motorists.

The subject site, which has previously been recognised as a Black Spot area and was listed within the top 10 riskiest intersections in the state, is located within a rural area of the shire with the Oakford Traders Liquor Store sitting opposite.

The applicant sought approval for a service station that would operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week with a retail building space of 220sqm and four light vehicle fuel bowsers with eight refuelling bays and three heavy vehicle fuel bowsers with two refuelling bays.

The applicant would also need to construct a 11-metre left in and left out only crossover to Thomas Road and the same to Nicholson Road.

At the meeting, councillor Rob Coales said they could “discuss the hypotheticals until the cows came home”, but the consultation between the relevant parties had already happened and he was in support of the application going ahead subject to the conditions.

However, councillor Morgan Byas questioned if the development was reasonable considering the further strain it would put on an already risky intersection.

“Is it reasonable for the ratepayers to gamble with their lives on this road and for us to sit here and say yes, and wash our hands with it?” he said.

“Yes we desperately need a service station in Oakford, however I cannot support this application.”

Mr Coales also mentioned the potential the property could provide to the shire in the way of commercial rates each year, hinting that the shire would receive enough each year to pay the chief executive’s salary, a statement, which was flatly refuted by shire president Michelle Rich.

The proposal was subject to a number of conditions including a landscaping and revegetation plan, a detailed stormwater plan, a construction management plan, a lighting plan and a noise assessment to be completed prior to the commencement of works.

The applicant also has provisions on advertising signage, earthworks and stormwater drainage wastage.