Several dead animals found by river

Several dead animals found by river

Five possums and seven ducks have been found dead along the Canning River.

Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group has expressed deep concern following a report by a local Kelmscott resident, revealing the distressing discovery of five dead possums and seven dead ducks along the picturesque Canning River foreshore over the past few weeks.

The group suspects the cause of these deaths is the unintended consequence of residents deploying rat baits that pose a lethal threat to both wildlife and pets.

The Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group emphasises the importance of responsible bait usage, recommending only First-Generation baits containing active ingredients such as sodium chloride, warfarin, coumatetralyl, or diphacinone be used. Examples include Ratsak Naturals (a human and pet safe bait option), Bayer Racumin Rat and Mouse Paste, and Yates RATSAK Double Strength Bait Station. These products, when ingested, are less harmful to both wildlife and pets.

The incident has been promptly reported to the Wildlife Protection Branch of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).

Any native animals suspected of poisoning should be taken to Darling Range Wildlife Shelter, or the nearest veterinarian, if still alive.

In the unfortunate event of their demise, efforts should be made to transport the deceased animals to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) diagnostic laboratory located at 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth.

This proactive step ensures a specific diagnosis is obtained, shedding light on the precise cause of death.

Such information is invaluable in aiding the treatment of any surviving wildlife.

The Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group passionately calls upon all residents to be conscientious about the rat baits they purchase.

This collective plea for responsible and informed pest control aims to safeguard the delicate balance of wildlife along the Canning River foreshore and ensure the preservation of this natural habitat for generations to come.