Sharon’s incredible act of generosity

Sharon’s incredible act of generosity

Eugen Krebs and Sharon Knapp one year after the kidney donation.

Sharon Knapp’s decision to donate her kidney to friend Eugen Krebs in his time of need was a decision she would never regret.

With DonateLife Week just around the corner, Mrs Knapp, from Roleystone, is looking back on the momentous choice she made 10 years ago and is encouraging others to think about adding themselves to the national donor register.

Her donor story started in 2008 when she found Mr Krebs’ kidneys had completely failed and he was to be put on dialysis.

“I wanted to be tested to see if I was a match and I discussed the idea with my family and friends,” she said.

Finding out she was successful after more than 12 months of testing was an absolute joy for Mrs Knapp who underwent the seven-hour surgery in September 2009.

“The only time I hesitated in my decision was about two weeks prior to surgery when my eldest son had a horrific car accident,” she said.

“He was on life support and fighting for his life and my only concern was what if my son needed my kidney.

“But once I was assured by his doctors that his kidney was fine and with my family’s blessing I was very comfortable about proceeding with the surgery.”

The donated kidney has functioned perfectly in Mr Krebs’ body right from the word go and the pair were coming up to their 10th kidney birthday later this year.

Mrs Knapp urged everyone to consider registering on the organ and tissue register.

“I often hear people say that their organs and tissue would be of no use to anyone else once they have gone,” she said.

“It is amazing what can be used to improve the quality of lives of people.”

All organ and tissue donors also need to tell their family of their plans, as without the family’s consent if and when the time comes, the donation cannot be fulfilled.

DonateLife Week 2019 runs from July 28 to August 4.