A derelict Cannington site owned by the State Government will be transformed into a dedicated Short Stay accommodation site, providing an affordable place to stay for Aboriginal visitors to Perth.
The Perth Aboriginal Short Stay Accommodation project will be located on a 7000-square-metre site in Hamilton Street, Cannington, chosen for its size and proximity to amenities, services and public transport.
Aboriginal Short Stays are designed to provide culturally appropriate and affordable accommodation for people who travel to Perth or regional centres to access services, and for business, cultural or family reasons.
The development will comprise a range of single and family guest accommodation units including universal access rooms, laundry facilities, recreation spaces and communal areas.
The State Government is engaging with Aboriginal people, local government, the community services sector, other government agencies and a range of other stakeholders to ensure the Perth Short Stay is designed and delivered to meet the needs of guests.
Construction on the Perth Short Stay is expected to commence in 2024.
Canning Mayor Patrick Hall said the city had been discussions with the Department of Communities about the facility for quite some time.
“We don’t own the land, it’s Department of Communities land, we’ve just been informed as a courtesy along the way,” he said.
“Of course, it’s a benefit to the local community, it’s a wonderful step forward for a mature community.
“There have been terrific protocols put in place and controls around the manner in which the facility will be operated.
“It will be established on a large block of land that has been sitting there unused and pretty much unkempt for many, many years owned by the Department of Communities and it’s going to be a quality development and I’m really looking forward seeing it used quite frankly.”
Cannington MP Bill Johnston said he was pleased the facility would be located in Cannington.
“Cannington is one of the most culturally diverse electorates in the State and I look forward to
seeing this Short Stay facility play a significant role in assisting not only the local community,
but visitors who have travelled from regional and remote areas.”