Skate park to get a facelift

Skate park to get a facelift

Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson with Peel Development Commission chairman Paul Fitzpatrick at the youth facilities in the shire, which is in need of an upgrade.

Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson presented a cheque for $50,000 to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale on Monday to help fund stage 1B of the Briggs Park recreation precinct master plan.

The funds came from the Peel Development Commission Community Chest Fund and will go towards lighting, street furniture, water foundation and landscaping in the area surrounding the skate park, adjacent to the youth facilities.

These grant schemes are made possible by the state government’s Royalties for Regions program which will invest $10 million for the 2016-17 financial year.

The Community Chest Fund grant schemes provide one off grants to the community and not for profit organisations to improve and develop infrastructure and services in the region.

Mr Simpson said he was pleased with the grant, which will be used on the much needed new skate park.

“Briggs Park certainly needs a facelift,” he said.

“The plans the shire has in place look great and hopefully these works will commence soon.”