Southern animal centre on the cards

Southern animal centre on the cards

Labor candidate for Southern River Terry Healy and Labor leader Mark McGowan with Oprah the dog.

With less than a week left until the state election, Labor said if elected they would pledge $2 million towards a new RSPCA animal care and rehabilitation centre in the south metropolitan area.

Labor candidate for Southern River Terry Healy said the commitment for a new animal care centre was important.

“The RSPCA do important work looking after neglected and abandoned animals,” he said.

“This will enable the organisation to continue their work in the southern suburbs.”

Mr Healy said Labor was committed to animal welfare and a McGowan government would stop puppy farming and the supply chain, which supported the industry.

RSPCA vice president and City of Gosnells chief executive officer Ian Cowie said the current animal care centre based in Malaga was often full to capacity.

He said the organisation struggled to meet the demands of animal cruelty reports and the need to provide a safe haven for animals.

“We are pleased Labor has recognised the urgent need for another more modern facility south of the river,” he said.

“Whilst we have a valued foster care network and partnerships with other animal rescue groups there is still an urgent need for expanded shelter facilities for animals rescued by our inspectors.”

Mr Cowie said the southern corridor of Perth was one of the fastest expanding areas of the state with significant population growth and with it increased pet ownership.

“A new centre will ensure we are better placed to respond to animal cruelty reports in the local area,” he said.

“It will also deliver targeted cruelty prevention activities and community education programs including dog training.”

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