Spyker would preserve Christian principles

Spyker would preserve Christian principles

Warnar Spyker will stand for the Australian Christians.

Australian Christians candidate for Burt Warnar Spyker hopes to maintain and preserve Judeo-Christian principles, which he believes are the foundation of Australian society.

“Everyone and every political party wants to work for the good of the country,” he said.

“Where I think I and the Australian Christians can make a difference is that we have a very strong principled position that the way to achieve a prosperous society is through Christian values and principles,” he said.

“That’s what our society is based on but there’s been a concerted effort to dismantle that over the past 10 years and that will be to our peril.”
He said a particular focus for the party was supporting families.

“One of the things that makes a strong community is strong and well functioning families and thriving local communities,” he said. “We have policies that favour the family, preserve the current definition of marriage as we have it and policies that really enhance the functioning of the family.

“Families are the best welfare agency that you could possibly have.”

Mr Spyker said the party’s economic policy was to treat families as a unit from a tax perspective. He said this would benefit families with a stay at home parent.

He said other issues to address within the electorate included high unemployment rates and societal issues surrounding drug use.

He lives in Southern River and operates a law firm in Canning Vale.