Standing up for at-risk youth

Standing up for at-risk youth


The youngest of two boys Labor candidate for Darling Range Barry Urban moved to Jarrahdale with his family in 2005.

Mr Urban has a background in physical education and applied social science with honours and post-graduate police studies.

He said he was standing in the March 11 state election to give the local area a real voice in Parliament.

“Our community has been forgotten for too long,” he said.

“I would also like to speak up for the youth at risk.”

Mr Urban said the outer suburban growth inspired him to stand up for Darling Range as he would like to provide some leadership on issues the electorate will face as the population grows.

“I hope to be able to create some much needed jobs in the Darling Range area,” he said.

“Also to change our community from affordable housing to affordable living and to advocate for youth in Darling Range and the Peel Region.”

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