Statistics reveal alarming trends

Statistics reveal alarming trends

Members of parliament attended the march to stand against violence. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

The March Against Domestic Violence was held at 11am on Tuesday, November 16 in Jull Street in Armadale.

The movement takes a stand against family violence, which is a prevalent issue in the community.

According to statistics, 50 per cent of Australian men aged 18 to 34 don’t believe non-consensual sexual activity could be considered domestic violence.

Communicare and White Ribbon statistics also detail that two in five Australian men aged 18 to 34 don’t believe hitting, punching or restraining someone could be considered domestic violence but nine in 10 women do.

It also details that two in five Australian men aged 18 to 34 don’t believe frightening, humiliating, degrading or punishing a person is domestic violence.

Further statistics show 81 per cent of Australians believe a perpetrator would not get charged by police unless they physically injured or stalked someone, or broke a domestic violence order, with 70 per cent of Australians believing that coercive control should be a crime.

Domestic violence is the single largest contributor to homelessness according to the inaugural Australian Homelessness Monitor published in 2018, with 40 per cent reporting that as the cause.
Communicare and White Ribbon Australia CEO Melissa Perry said turning this national tragedy around would require real, long-term social and cultural transformation and men willing to reflect on their role in achieving that change.
“It’s no longer good enough just to be aware of the problem,” she said.

“We need men to choose to be part of the solution by addressing attitudes, expectations and behaviours that uphold inequality and excuse disrespect. “We need men who have the tools they need to bring about change, first in themselves, then in their friendship circles and communities.
“We need every person, every community, every school, every workplace, every sports club and every government body at all levels to commit to being a part of that change to end all forms of men’s violence against women.”

City of Armadale Mayor Ruth Butterfield said it is everyone’s right to be free from family violence.

“Children exposed to family and domestic violence suffer long term effects on their development and well-being,” she said.

“The March Against Family Violence is one way that we can stand together against this scourge.”