Students build community connections

Students build community connections

Students Kymani Tairua, Fauzhan Fazerie and Sean Campomanes with Emergency Service officers and defence personnel. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Neerigen Brook Primary School hosted a Compass Expo for their year six students on Friday, October 15.

Students from Gwynne Park Primary School also attended the expo which gave children from the schools the opportunity to be inspired by members of the community and be introduced to the many pathways that they are able to peruse in the future.

The expo was put on just as the year six students are coming to the end of their final term at Primary School before they move on to High School.

The day included rotations where students engaged with local high schools, members of the local community and were provided the opportunity to engage with, and ask questions about, potential pathways to employment and different types of occupations.

People and organisations that attended the day included Armadale Library, Armadale Police, Save the Children, Armadale Council, The Smith Family, Cecil Andrews College, Armadale Senior High School, Hope and Armadale Fire Brigade.

According to year five and six teacher at Neerigen Brook, Sinead Meadowcroft the school and students had a great day.

“We had a fabulous day of learning about communication skills and exploring what avenues are available to us in the future,” she said.

“It was an enjoyable experience for all and the volunteers had a great time building community connections with the students.”