Students help less fortunate

Students help less fortunate

Lumen Christi students Sifiso Maphosa, Pascal d’Autriche, Andrew Abraham, Julian Haddad.

Forty-five Lumen Christi College students slept on cardboard as part of the third annual Lumen sleep out to raise money for St Vincent de Paul.

With more than $600 collected the school also received significant food, clothing and blanket donations which will be passed on to the charity group.

Staff and students saw the Young Vinnies Sleepout as one of the school’s service events not to be missed.

During the sleep out students listened to guest speakers from local organisation HOPE that help the homeless and played games which highlighted the many issues youth and others less fortunate than themselves feel in society.

The students were permitted to bring cardboard to sleep on and in, a sleeping bag and the warm clothes they were wearing – nothing else.

All phones and other luxuries were handed in on registration.

Year 12 student Tashinga Chitiyo said the sleep out was an incredible eye-opening experience.

“Throughout the night I was made aware of the main causes of homelessness and the different factors that make people more susceptible to being homeless,” she said.

“I also learned about the different ways in which we can help those who are homeless and really make a difference.

“To me, the sleep out means a chance to learn about and give a voice to homeless people, who are often unfairly silenced.”

Christian service coordinator and learning support teacher Pennie Stewart said students also learn to appreciate what they have on a daily basis.

“The students gain a far greater awareness of the whole aspect of homelessness,” she said.

For more information visit St Vincent de Paul online.