Students show off their science knowledge

Students show off their science knowledge

Klai Kowalski, busy building

Students at Gosnells Primary School celebrated National Science Week with a science fair on Wednesday August 16.

The day for students from Year 1 to Year 6 was organised by senior science teacher Stacey Ricciardi.

“The aim was to display what we have been learning about in science and showcase some of our work,” she said.

“This is my first year having a science fair so it was simple and small.”

It may have been small but students kept teachers busy looking over all the instruments on display.

“The keen scientists showed off their work to their peers and teachers in an interactive style celebration of National Science Week,” she said.

“The junior students, taught by Geri Cooper, showed off their knowledge about the weather and how communication has changed through time with hand-made telephones and ideas of how they may look in the future.”

The senior students, taught by Ms Ricciardi, learnt, designed and created interactive style activities to get others engaged.

Year 3 students made Kahoot quizzes about sun facts while students in Year 4 put their knowledge of forces to make a marble maze.

Year 5 students used light, shadows and opaque objects to create puppet shows and the Year 6 students used circuits and robotics to make personalised wigglebots.