Operation Telescope is currently underway to target a spike in burglary and stealing offences throughout Gosnells and Maddington.
Gosnells Police Station Acting Senior Sergeant Emma Barnes said the Easter period combined with school holidays would generally see an increase in reported offences but police were working on reducing offences.
“A metropolitan regional operation called Operation Telescope is targeting specific hot spot areas which have been identified within police sub districts,” she said.
“Police are focusing their attentions and efforts on conducting high visibility patrols paying particular attention to volume crime type offences such as burglaries, stealing and anti-social behaviour.”
Ms Barnes said officers were working hard to reduce crime in the community and the community could assist them by following simple crime prevention advice including leaving all property secured before leaving it.
“About 30.7 per cent of all burglary offences so far this month are from unlocked premises,” she said.
“Some were occupied at the time and 32.4 per cent of all stealings were from unlocked vehicles.
“Unfortunately unlocked doors are too much of a temptation for some criminal types so let’s do what we can to take that temptation away.”
Snr Sgt Barnes said it was important for everyone to play their part in reducing the risk of themselves and their neighbours being a victim of crime.
“This includes locking your doors regardless whether you are inside your home or out,” she said.
“Also remember to lock your vehicle and remove valuable items when it is parked both at your premises and out in public.”