Team argues the point

Team argues the point

Southern River College students will compete in the semi-final next week in the WA Debating League competition.

Students at Southern River College surpassed all expectations in a debating competition taking a David versus Goliath approach over their competitors.

The college was one out of just four teams left in the competition and was the last non-selective public school to compete in their division in this year’s West Australian Debating League.

On Tuesday night the students went up against Scotch College in the quarter final and presented a winning debate demonstrating their understanding of global politics, economics and community capacity building.

Principal Everal Miocevich said the involvement in the competition helped to show off the talents of the college’s teachers and students as they competed against some of the top performing schools in the state.

“We are all so very proud of our students and their teachers,” she said.

“I know our students will continue to shine through and will use this experience to further grow in their aspirations and love of learning.”

The college was relatively new to the competition, debating against some of the most elite schools in WA including Perth Modern, Christ Church Grammar and Guildford Grammar.

Debating coordinator and lead humanities and social sciences teacher Sasha Lytas said the support of the wider school community including staff, students, family and friends was wonderful to see.

The next debate will held on August 21 at Shenton College against Christ Church Grammar School.