For many teenagers turning 18 is a significant milestone but for Huntingdale resident Luke Thomas it will be a chance to donate blood more than once.
Luke has already donated blood but will not be able to do so regularly until his birthday next year.
He said he is determined to beat Member for Southern River Terry Healy’s record.
Mr Healy holds the record for being the youngest person in Australia to have made 300 blood donations but Luke said he has done the math and will be able to beat Mr Healy’s record.
“It is important to donate,” he said.
“It’s quite a small action giving blood but it has such a significant impact.
“It can save up to three people’s lives.”
Luke said he would like to encourage residents to donate blood, as it was a nice way to give back to the community.
Mr Healy who was recognised by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service a few weeks ago when he received a blood donor recipient award, started donating blood at the age of 17.
Mr Healy said one of his life goals was to make the community a better place and donating blood every two weeks helped him achieve that goal.
“I encourage friends and family to donate,” he said.
“The more awareness and conversation about donating the better.
Mr Healy said nothing made him happier than his record being challenged.
“This is a title that I am keen to relinquish,” he said.
“I think Luke will do very well and he is already well on his way.”
For anyone interested in donating blood there are some requirements for people who would like to.
Contact Blood Service on 13 14 95 or go to donate-blood.com.au to find out if you are eligible.