That’s how you recycle

That’s how you recycle

Serpentine Jarrahdale Men’s Shed members Bjarny Arnasson, Steve Brown, Graham Pailthorpe, Wayne Herren and Peter Cuttriss. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

An unused shipping container will be given a new lease on life as members of the Serpentine Jarrahdale Men’s Shed get set to roll up their sleeves and convert it into a new metals workshop.

Although shed members predominately worked with wooden materials some members recently expressed an interest in trying their hand at metal work.

President Peter Cuttriss said the container would allow the group to further their skills and make

different objects such as garden ornaments and metal fire pits.

“Up until now we haven’t really had anywhere to do it,” he said.

“The container will also have enough room to store our machinery such as our plate bending machine, the drills and grinders.”

The conversion from a container to a metals workshop involved cutting a wall out, installing a roof and painting the outside to allow it to blend in with the surrounding environment.

According to Mr Cuttriss the containers were approved by the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale about a year ago.