A Seville Grove family has been left thousands of dollars out of pocket and will be moving out of the neighbourhood, after two dogs savagely attacked their six-month-old puppy and her owner last month.
Matthew Trower was walking their Rottweiler puppy Lunar at about 6pm on November 20 when two dogs with no leads or collars came out of nowhere and started circling them both.
Mr Trower said he had stopped to check the traffic before crossing the road at the intersection of Westfield and Edinburgh roads when he saw the two dogs bound towards them.
“They dragged Lunar and me off the footpath and into the middle of the road,” he said.
“I was yelling at these dogs, punching them to try and get them off and I was on all fours on top of Lunar so they couldn’t drag her anymore.”
Mr Trower said many people came to his and Lunar’s aid as the two dogs continued to latch onto Lunar’s neck and throat.
“I got the smaller one off first but it was the bigger one that did the most damage and I just couldn’t get him off,” he said.
“Another guy was standing over the top of the dog punching it from both sides and it wouldn’t let go.
“I saw an opening on the side of its mouth so I stuck my hand in to try and pull it apart just enough so it would release from Lunar’s neck and that’s when I have done my injury.”
Mr Trower received severe injuries to his right arm and hand, which required three extensive surgeries and a six-day stay at Royal Perth Hospital, while Lunar endured deep lacerations to the back of her neck and her throat which required five hours of surgery and weeks of rehabilitation.
The full result of Mr Trower’s injuries are still yet to be determined more than a month after the incident, as doctors hope the ripped tendon in one of his fingers reattaches to allow him to have proper mobility in his dominant hand.

“When they take the button off my finger, that’s when I will find out if the tendon has reattached or if I feel the tendon going flinging up my arm… we won’t know until then,” he said.
“I have had three weeks off work since it happened and I can’t drive for eight weeks so I have had to rely on family to drive me and pick me up.”
Mr Trower said he is grateful to everyone that stopped to help him on the day, especially Shaun who drove him to the vet and stayed with him until his family arrived.
“If it weren’t for all the people who stopped to help, it would have been a lot worse because we couldn’t get these dogs off Lunar,” he said.
“These dogs are not nice dogs… if they get out again, they will kill if they get a chance.”
A City of Armadale spokesperson said the rangers attended the incident and took statements from the victim, dog owner and witnesses.
“Following the investigation it was determined there had been no prior incidents involving the dogs or the dog’s owner reported.
“However, the two dogs involved were unregistered at the time,” they said.
“As a result of the attack the owner has been fined $1600 as per the Dog Act 1976.”
Chief executive Joanne Abbiss said the city takes dog attacks very seriously.
“A dog attack is traumatic for everyone involved and dog owners need to be aware that the fines and penalties can be significant, up to $10,000 if the matter goes to court, however this can be avoided if dog owners properly manage their pets,” she said.