Thirty years in the making – garden open to the public

Thirty years in the making – garden open to the public

Kelvin Bain with his wifes Shih Tzu named Annie.

A home nestled away in Mount Nasura will have a garden open over the weekend to raise money for the Cancer Council.

The garden, which has been a work in progress for over 30 years, will be open this weekend, October 2 and 3 from 10am to 5pm.

Family is at the heart of Anne and Kelvin Bain’s garden, which they transformed to be a beautiful backyard for their family.

“We chose Cancer Council because my daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer at the start of this year,” he said.

“She got through it fine but we wanted to give back so we decided to do this.”

In 2010, Mr Bain planted roses, yellow flowering plants and purple lavender to colour coordinate the garden to his daughters wedding.

Attendees can expect a plant sale, bric-a-brac sale, local art, sausage sizzle, tea and coffee, cakes and scones, raffles, and more.

There is something for all members of the family.

The home is located at 4 Glenfield Place in Mount Nasura, there is a $5 entry fee for adults and children enter for free, all proceeds go to the Cancer Council.

The family requests cash only for the garden open, to find the home there will be plenty of signs and the home is located at the end of the cul de sac on Glenfield Place.