Tonkin Highway Extension start date just a few months away

Tonkin Highway Extension start date just a few months away

A visual representation of the Tonkin Highway to South Western Highway connection.

After years of waiting, the Tonkin Highway Extension is mere months away from starting with a contractor now locked in.

The contract to deliver the project has been awarded to the Tonkin Extension Alliance consortium which includes BMD, Civcon Civil and Project Management, Georgiou Group, BG&E, and GHD.

Construction of the project is scheduled to begin midway through this year, with completion anticipated by late 2028. It’s slated to support around 4,400 direct and indirect jobs.

The $1 billion Tonkin Highway Extension and Thomas Road Upgrade Project will see the transformation of the SJ Shire, delivering a 14-kilometre extension of Tonkin Highway as well as major upgrades to Thomas Road.

The extension will include a four-lane dual carriageway from Thomas Road all the way to South Western Highway at Jarrahdale Rd, including a number of grade-separated interchanges, underpasses and roundabouts.

The project will also cater for the recreational needs of the area with several equine underpasses, and a new principal shared path along the entire 14-kilometre extension.

Upgrades to Thomas Road will include duplication of 4.5-kilometres between Kargotich Road and South Western Highway, new principal shared path and upgrades to a number of local intersections including Kardan Boulevard, Masters Road and Plaistowe Boulevard.

“The extension of Tonkin Highway will be a game-changer for the movement of freight to and from the South West and Wheatbelt, and provide a safer road network for people living in suburbs like Byford, Armadale, Kelmscott and Gosnells who currently contend with large volumes of heavy vehicles on local roads,” WA Deputy Premier and Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti said.

“We have seen incredible growth through the suburb of Byford and that means every day you’re getting more and more interaction between local traffic and trucks,” Member for Burt Matt Keogh said.

“Extending Tonkin Highway will get trucks off South Western Highway, which will support this rapidly growing area, giving this community the roads they deserve.

“This will make a huge difference to everyday life – whether it’s dropping the kids at school or going up to the city, this is game changing project for the south-eastern suburbs.”