‘Too many questions not answered’

‘Too many questions not answered’

Maddington Physiotherapy Centre owner and practice principal Ryan East (centre) and surrounding residents are disappointed with council’s decision. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

A change of use application, which would see a tyre company operate next door to a physiotherapy centre, was approved at council this week despite concerns about parking, noise and increased traffic.

City of Gosnells councillors voted unanimously at Tuesday night’s meeting to support the officer’s recommendation to change the use of the Albany Highway, Maddington site from showroom to industry-service.

This approval means that the tyre sales and fitting outlet would be able to operate from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 5pm on Saturdays.

Councillors David Goode and Olwen Searle both spoke in support of the motion and the measures put in place to resolve the surrounding business owners and community concerns.

Ms Searle said the business would be used to service small everyday vehicles, not heavy machinery or prime movers.

“Years ago I would agree that these activities were particularly noisy but I think this practice has been improved,” she said.

“I suggest there would be more noise coming from Albany Highway and Blackburn Street than there ever would be from putting tyres on cars.

“When you go to a physiotherapy centre you are not there all day, you go in, you get your appointment, you get seen and then you are out.”

Maddington Physiotherapy Centre owner and practice principal Ryan East spoke at council on Tuesday night to ask questions and give a statement in objection to the proposal.

After the meeting Mr East told The Examiner he was disappointed by council’s decision.

“In regard to Tuesday night’s vote, in my opinion there were too many questions that were not answered to their full satisfaction and too many doubtful issues that have the potential to adversely affect neighbouring residents, our directly adjacent physiotherapy practice and the health and wellbeing of our patients,” he said.

“The class use change that was passed from showroom to industry-service is hard to swallow, giving consideration to the current land use of a similar tyre centre also located in the City of Gosnells where the services they provide would be considered an adverse land use in the mixed business zone.”

Resident Jodee Lysaght spoke at council as a long-term patient of Maddington Physiotherapy Centre saying the noise likely transferred by ground vibrations would directly impact her sessions with the health practitioner.

“I cannot fathom how anyone would think it would be a good idea to put a tyre centre next to a physiotherapy centre,” she said.

“I can guarantee you that you would have many irate ratepayers in myself and my husband and many more should you approve this application.”

Mr East said the City would have been better off delaying the decision until adequate consultation and feedback from the community was undertaken.